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Tree of the Month

Each month members bring in their trees for discussion and vote on the best
July 2020


Chosen by member

Species: The variety is Kaho and the tree was 68cm tall in a Chinese hand made pot
June 2020


Chosen by member

Species: Maple
May 2020


Chosen by Chairman

Species: Hawthorn
March 2020


Chosen by a member

Species: Antarctic Beech acquired from a wholesale nursery around 15 years ago.
NBS Table Trees Mar 2020 2.jpeg
February 2020


Chosen by chairman

Species: Chinese Juniper ‘Itoi Gawa’. Japanese import
NBS Bonsai Feb 2020 9 TOM.jpeg
January 2020


Chosen by chairman

Species: Chinese Elm on Rock
NBS Jan 2020 Pre-Bonsai 6.jpg
December 2019


Chosen by members

Species: Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana 'Ellwood's Gold’
NBS Dec 2019 TOM.jpg
November 2019


Chosen by guest speaker Lee Verhorevoort

Species: Japanese Black Pine
Pot:        China Mist drum-style pot
TOM Nov 2019 BlackPine.jpg
October 2019


Chosen by members

Species: Guelder Rose (Viburnum Opulus)
NBS Monthly Trees Oct 2019 7.jpg
September 2019


Chosen by members

Species: Larch
ToTM Larch Sep 2019.jpg
August 2019


Chosen by members

Species: Scots Pine
Origin of tree: Collected from a dig site in Reading, in training for 15 years
Pot maker: Chinese pot, unknown maker
NBS TOM Scots Pine Aug 2019.jpg
June 2019


Chosen by speaker Malcolm Hughes

Species: Zelkova Parvifolia
Origin of tree: Imported from Japan in 2018
Pot maker: Old hand-made Japanese item, unknown maker
IMG_8367 2.jpeg
June 2019


Annual Exhibition 2019 "Best In Show"

Species: Ash
Origin of tree: 
Time owned:   
Pot maker: 
NBS Annual Show 2019 37.jpg
June 2019


Annual Exhibition 2019 "Runner-Up"

Species: Hawthorn
Origin of tree: 
Time owned:   
Pot maker: 
NBS Annual Show 2019 39.jpg
June 2019


Species: Hawthorn
Origin of tree: 
Time owned:   
Pot maker: 
NBS Hawthorn June 2019.jpeg
April 2019


Species: Acer Palmatum ‘Mikawa Yatsubusa’
Origin of tree: Bought from a club member in 2010
Time owned: 9 years   
Pot maker: Wallsall Ceramics
ToM April Acer Palmatum.jpeg
This tree was bought from a club member in 2010 as an air layer taken from one of his own bonsai. It spent a few years in a training pot to develop better branch structure, and is now planted in a Walsall Ceramics pot bought in 2017.
March 2019


Species: Japanese Larch
Origin of tree: Collected tree (yamadori)
Time owned: 25 years   
Pot maker: Wallsall Ceramics (custom made for the tree)
ToM March 2019.jpg
This tree was collected from a dig site about 25 years ago. It was cut back from 5 branches to 3 and then down to 1. Over the years it has filled out to make the tree that you now see.
February 2019


Species: Picea Abies
Origin of tree: Garden Cutting
Time owned: 2010   
Pot maker: Amateur
This is February’s tree of the Month, a European Spruce (Picea Abies) presented in root over rock style. This has been grown for the last 8 years from two cuttings from a garden plant by a member of NBS, and is planted in a pot made years ago by a work colleague on his first attempt at creating a bonsai pot. The tree is displayed on a home made stand, making it a real home grown presentation in every respect.
December 2018


Species: Japanese Hornbeam
Origin of tree: Imported from Japan
Time owned: March 2016   
Pot maker: It was repotted in 2018 into a Korean pot made by the Tong Rae company

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Visits since 5 Feb 2019

Webmaster:          Richard Boyles

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