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Meeting reviews

News, photographs and reviews from recent meetings
December 2022 - AGM and Social Evening

The meeting was well supported, and the entire committee was re-elected to serve another year, with the addition of one new member. These are some trees and some Suiseki displayed by members for the meeting, plus a photo of the raffle prizes given out during the evening. We also enjoyed a buffet and drinks with plenty of time to chat before the president lead the discussion of members trees.


October 2022 - David Cheshire Talk and Member's Trees


David brought along a massive selection of trees and explained and demonstrated how he works on them to produce mame and other small trees. As he described each one he passed them around the audience so we could look at them closely. Below are some trees he spoke about and one has a 20 pence coin against it to give it scale.


David owns a nursery where he works on and sells bonsai and other garden plants.


As usual, members brought along a tree to display on the tables and each one was discussed and if requested, advice given.


September 2022 - Saturday Member's Workshop


An informal day where members brought in their trees to work on, get advice and have a chat.


September 2022 - Member's Workshop


An informal evening where members brought in their trees to work on, get advice and have a chat. Also member trees were exhibited and discussed.
