Meeting reviews
News, photographs and reviews from recent meetings
December 2021 - Members Trees
This month we held our Annual General Meeting followed by a social evening with a buffet and drinks.
Members were invited to bring along a tree for display and comment. Optionally with Christmas decorations.

October 2021 - Speaker Harry Harrington
plus Members Trees
Before appearing on BBC2 Gardener’s World Special on Friday 8th October at 8.30pm, on the Thursday evening, Harry Harrington individually reviewed and offered advice on improving members trees.
Harry has been growing bonsai and advising others in the art for over 20 years, and is the author of a library of books on the subject, combined with a comprehensive web site has many magazine article contributions to his credit.

August 2021 - Speaker Steve McKee
plus Members Trees
Steve McKee gave us a very informative talk while trimming his bonsai. This was interspersed with numerous stories of people he knew and how he learnt the art of bonsai.
Steve then gave a crtique of trees members had brought along.

June 2021 - Members Trees
Our first face to face meeting, socially distanced outside in the sunshine. It was an informal meeting in a member's garden where we brought along a tree with some members working on their tree. It was good to be able to chat and keep up with the news.

October 2020 - Members Trees - While In Lock-In
As our club activities have had to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus outbreak, our club members have photographed some trees as a way of maintaining some club interaction.

July 2020 - Members Trees - While In Lock-In
As our club activities have had to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus outbreak, our club members have photographed some trees as a way of maintaining some club interaction. At each monthly meeting we would have a display of members’ trees and this is a way to continue that tradition. Some trees are work in progress, and some are nearer their final design. We look forward to the time when we can meet again and resume our normal club meetings.

June 2020 - Members Trees - While In Lock-In
As our club activities have had to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus outbreak, our club members have photographed some trees as a way of maintaining some club interaction. At each monthly meeting we would have a display of members’ trees and this is a way to continue that tradition. Some trees are work in progress, and some are nearer their final design. We look forward to the time when we can meet again and resume our normal club meetings.

May 2020 - Members Trees - While In Lock-In
As our club activities have had to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus outbreak, our club members have photographed some trees as a way of maintaining some club interaction. At each monthly meeting we would have a display of members’ trees and this is a way to continue that tradition. Some trees are work in progress, and some are nearer their final design. We look forward to the time when we can meet again and resume our normal club meetings.

April 2020 - Members Trees - While In Lock-In
As our club activities have had to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus outbreak, our club members have photographed some trees as a way of maintaining some club interaction. At each monthly meeting we would have a display of members’ trees and this is a way to continue that tradition. Some trees are work in progress, and some are nearer their final design. We look forward to the time when we can meet again and resume our normal club meetings.

March 2020 - Due to Covid-19, all future meeting suspended until further notice
We had to convince one of our Northamptonshire Bonsai club members that even this precaution was only suitable when venturing outside for some seasonal bonsai work.

March 2020 - Members Workshop
Members brought along trees to work on and get advice from other members. These evenings are very informal and fun as well as being instructive on a one to one basis.
As usual, members brought along "table trees" to show (see below) where we discuss and comment on each one. Inexperienced members can learn as more experienced members explain why and how they developed their tree.

February 2020 - Members Workshop
Members brought along trees to work on and get advice from other members. These evenings are very informal and fun as well as being instructive on a one to one basis.
As usual, members brought along "table trees" to show (see below) where we discuss and comment on each one. Inexperienced members can learn as more experienced members explain why and how they developed their tree.

January 2020 - Members Pre-Bonsai Trees
At this first meeting of Northamptonshire Bonsai Society for 2020 we invited members to bring along a tree for discussion about the owner's ideas for styling of the tree, with a view to improving this tree during the following year. This included pre-bonsai as well as some more established specimens.There will be opportunities during the year to present the tree at meetings and workshops to show how the tree is progressing.
Each tree was discussed in detail and members were able make suggestions to the owner on how to proceed. This was particularly useful for the less experienced members as it highlighted faults or challenges, particularly with the pre-bonsai material and ways to improve or remove the faults.