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NBS David Cheshire Oct 2022  - 7-small.jpeg

Meeting reviews

News, photographs and reviews from recent meetings
AGM and Social Evening December 2023

The AGM completed successfully and the minutes are published HERE.

The social part of the evening allowed plenty of chat with fellow members and food provided by Hillary and Steve. Thank you.

Jim then talked through the selection of "table trees", see below. This was followed by the raffle with lots of prizes.

Talk by Ming and Mark Moreland  2023

At the October meeting of NBS we were treated to some 'double-talk'. Not what you might expect from that description, but two speakers for the price of one. Fresh from the success of the 12th Heathrow Bonsai Show Mark and Ming Moreland spoke about two very different aspects of bonsai. Mark spoke about recent changes he has made to his programme of propagating cuttings for the purpose of developing Mame and Shohin bonsai, and showing us the ensuing results which are, quite frankly, astonishing.

Ming's approach was from the opposite end of the hobby, when trees have achieved a more finished look and are ready for the exhibition table. Ming spoke about the various forms of accent plantings and other accompaniments in terms of what might be suitable to use, when to use certain items, and how to place them on display.

All in all two very informative and enjoyable presentations, which can be recommended to any club looking for guest speakers.

As usual we had a very good selection of members "table trees" as pictured below. Normally we have the opportunity to talk about them and get advice for improvement, but we ran out of time due to the two excellent speakers above, we could only admire them.

Member's Workshop September 2023

It was a VERY hot evening with the temperature about 30+ degrees but everyone survived while working on their trees, getting and giving advice where requested, plus having a good chat. An enjoyable evening.

As usual we had a very good selection of members "table trees" as pictured below. Each month members display their trees and have the opportunity to talk about them and get advice for improvement.

Member's Swap & Tell + Table Trees, Aug 2023

The first time we tried this format where members bring in a bonsai related item and talk about them. Also an opportunity for members to swap/sell/give away any bonsai items.

We started the evening by two of our founder members giving a talk on how NBS was formed along with some hilarious stories from various coach trips to The Netherlands. 

As usual we had a very good selection of members "table trees" as pictured below. Each month members display their trees and have the opportunity to talk about them and get advice for improvement.

Member's Workshop & Table Trees, July 2023

We had another great turnout for our latest workshop. Plenty of work carried out on trees as well as a lot of chatting, views and advice being exchanged. We welcomed three new members and the return of one of our original members.

As usual we had a very good selection of members trees as pictured below.

Japanese Bonsai Shows. May 2023

We had a great turnout for the May 4th meeting of Northamptonshire Bonsai Society. The speaker for the evening was fellow member Simon Roberts who gave a talk, supported by a slideshow, about Japanese bonsai shows. In all he covered 6 events from 2023 including the Kokofu, Gafu, and Meifu exhibitions. This was a very interesting talk which generated lots of interest from our members. Simon explained how the trees are selected. Many are maintained by professional bonsai experts rather than individual enthusiasts.

As usual we had a very good selection of members trees as pictured below.

Workshop with Corin Tomlinson March 2023

Members enjoyed a whole day workshop with bonsai expert, Corin Tomlinson of Greenwood Bonsai

Members workshop. Table Trees April 2023

Members enjoyed an evening workshop and as usual displayed some of their trees.

Monthly Meeting March 2023

We held our first member workshops, one on the regular Thursday evening and an all day session on Saturday.

Workshops are an opportunity to work on your trees, ask and give advice and of course have a chat and a laugh together.

We also had our usual "table trees" display and discussion on the Thursday.

Monthly Meeting February 2023

This was our first "Show and Tell" meeting where several members showed and talked about their specialist bonsai related interests. Bonsai pots, tables and suiseki.

The talks were interesting and educational and the evening was a great success.

We also had our usual "table trees" display and discussion.


As usual this was a very informal and friendly evening with plenty of banter and laughs.

Monthly Meeting January 2023

Our first meeting of the year was a general tree critique and subscription renewals for 2023.

A very well attended meeting where members brought in one or more trees which were then, one at a time, discussed. The member gave a brief history of their tree and the audience discussed it and if requested made suggestions for improvement.


As usual this was a very informal and friendly evening with plenty of banter and laughs.

​​​© 2025 Northamptonshire Bonsai Society

Affilliated to


Visits since 5 Feb 2019

Webmaster:          Richard Boyles

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