Meeting reviews
News, photographs and reviews from recent meetings
December 2019 - AGM & Christmas Trees
There have been some changes at Northamptonshire Bonsai Society resulting from our AGM held on 5th December.
Our existing chairman and secretary have both served very long terms in their respective offices and, quite frankly, were long overdue for a break. The secretary is unfortunately leaving the club because he is moving away soon, and by popular vote chairman Jim has been elevated to the honorary role of president as a way of allowing him to relinquish the duties of chairman whilst ensuring he remains attached and relevant to the management of the club he has been a loyal and active member of since its inception 30 years ago.
We were fortunate to have a club member ready to take on the duties required as secretary, and the new chairman at NBS is Steve Brown.
On behalf of NBS club members Steve says "I would like to thank the previous committee members for their service to the club during 2019, and l welcome the opportunity to take the club forward with the new committee into the new year and beyond."
In December we decorate our trees for Christmas. As is our custom at NBS, we invite the members to vote for their favourite tree on display at the meeting. Our December Tree of the Month, a Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana 'Ellwood's Gold’, decorated with a string of Christmas lights measuring over 3 metres in length. Such a neat job done to conceal the wiring.

November 2019 - Guest Speaker
At our meeting in November we hosted Lee Verhorevoort who enthralled us with an evening of all things Bonsai. He started looking at our member's ‘table’ trees and used this as a valuable lesson in design and seasonal pest management!
He then gave some tips on Autumn pruning and repotting, where his advice was to follow the tradition of repotting in spring just before the major growth spurt in order for the roots to have maximum time to recover.
Then he started to restyle a Japanese white pine, described by Lee as a Yatsubusa slow growing miniature varieties. Lee also showed how grafting is accomplished using off cuts from his demonstration tree. However his discourse on the state of the Bonsai industry in Japan and its influence from the Chinese market, the issues regarding buying and importing trees from Japan to the UK was so interesting that the Pine style was only just about complete when we needed to close at 10pm. A most interesting evening delivered by one of Bonsai’s most knowledgeable speakers.

October 2019 - Members Workshop
Members brought along trees to work on, exchanged ideas and sought advice from more experienced members. Also members brought along "table trees" which were individually discussed before one was chosen as tree of the month.

September 2019 - Members Workshop
This month we celebrated 30 years of NBS with some past members joining us. Members brought along trees to work on, exchanged ideas and sought advice from more experienced members. Also members brought along "table trees" which were individually discussed before one was chosen as tree of the month.

July 2019 - Malcolm Hughes talk on How To Present Bonsai for Exhibition
Malcolm ran through ways to present your bonsai for exhibition. His tips are in the photo below. He then reviewed and commented on member's trees and chose the tree of the month.