Meeting reviews
News, photographs and reviews from recent meetings
Members Workshop - November 2024
As usual we had a full turnout for the members workshop where members worked on their trees, sought and gave advice and had a chat. We welcome three visitors and hope to see them again in the future.
As usual, each member displayed a tree, (see below) which was discussed.

Talk by David Cheshire - October 2024
We were treated to an excellent talk by David Cheshire. He explained in amazing detail how to manage, propagate, feed, water a variety of bonsai species. With each explantion he passed an example around the audience. David also explained how he grows bonsai for sale at his nursery. We agreed it was one of the best talks we had enjoyed for a long time. www.davidcheshirenurseries.co.uk
As usual, each member displayed a tree, (see below) which was discussed.

Member's Workshop - September 2024
A convivial evening of work and chat where members worked on their trees, sought advice and caught up on bonsai news.
One member donated some pots which helped raise some funds. Thank you

Alex Rudd - Bonsai Pots
& Member's Trees - August 2024
If you have an interest in bonsai pots and how they can best be used to enhance your tree, Alex Rudd (Mai Bonsai) of the European Bonsai Potter Collective is the man to speak to. He gave an excellent presentation to NBS last night covering every conceivable aspect of relevant features of bonsai containers from what type of clay they are made of to the finest detail on the high quality painted pots he brought to show us. As a bonus he also brought some sale stock to tempt our members.
As usual members displayed some trees which were discussed during the meeting.

Member's Trees - June 2024
Club member's trees from the June meeting of NBS. Thanks to all who participated.

Member's Workshop - May 2024
The workshop allowed members to work on their trees, seek advice and have a general social evening.
As usual, members also displayed a tree which were discussed at the end of the evening.

6 Trees Event - April 2024
The April meeting of NBS was what we refer to as our '6 Trees Event'. Basically this is an evening where the club supplies a number of plants (6) obtained from a garden centre with potential to be developed into a bonsai. What happened was that, on arrival, each club member is allocated a random number which will coincide with a table with the same number, so everyone with No1 will be at table No1. The table numbers will be put into a draw and the first table number out of the draw will get first choice of the available plants. This way it's completely random which tree you end up working on with your group. It's not intended to be a competition to see who can make the best tree, although the results of the evening's work could easily be assessed for awards of merit. It's about having a bit of fun and learning how to shape a tree from (perhaps) very unlikely material. At the end of the evening the trees will be auctioned off to club members.
As usual, members also displayed a tree which were discussed at the end of the evening.

Workshop with Corin Tomlinson - March 2024
Here are a couple of photos from the workshop day at NBS with Corin Tomlinson from Greenwood Bonsai leading the way. A good day had by all, and great to see 3 members from Bedford Bonsai Society joining us for the day.

Member Workshop - March 2024
We had a very active workshop session with members working on their trees, asking and receiving help and advice where needed and having a great chat.
As usual, members brought along a tree for display and discussion.

Dave Penny - Saikei Presentation February 2024
We had an excellent presentation from Dave Penny last night on the art and practise of Saikei planting. Dave explained the history of, and differences between, Penjing, Bonkei, and Saikei, and proceeded with the construction of a new planting arrangement. He also brought several examples of long-established plantings from his own collection.
As usual, members brought along a tree for display and discussion.

Tree Critique Evening January 2024
The evening consisted of a critique of members trees led by Steve and Jim with audience participation.
It was also membership renewals £25 for 2024